28 September 2017
Travel Warnings
Think seriously about whether you need to travel here due to the high level of risk. If you do travel, do your research and take a range of extra safety precautions, including having contingency plans. Check that your travel insurer will cover you. The US Virgin Islands and the US territory of Puerto Rico […]
25 September 2017
Travel Tips & Advice
No matter the time of year, New Orleans welcomes its visitors in a grand way to experience Caribbean, American, French and African cultures colliding in a brilliant explosion of flavours, emotions and sounds. Music is everywhere here, people live to eat and every day is a party here in the birthplace of Jazz, which is […]
12 September 2017
Travel Warnings
Hurricane Irma made landfall in south Florida on Sunday 10 September (local time). The powerful and potentially catastrophic storm is forecast to move north near or along Florida’s west coast, before moving inland over the Florida Panhandle and south-western Georgia. Expect hurricane-like conditions, including high winds, heavy rain and storm surges. Authorities are warning that […]
4 September 2017
Travel Tips & Advice
Designated a World Heritage Site in 1984 In the heart of California, this park offers a dramatic landscape and awe-inspiring views. With its hanging valleys, many waterfalls, cirque lakes, polished domes, moraines and U-shaped valleys, Yosemite National Park provides an excellent example of granite monoliths shaped by glaciation. Plan ahead for a trip to this […]
4 September 2017
Travel Tips & Advice
Designated a World Heritage Site in 1979 The largest subtropical wilderness in the USA, the 1.5 million-acre Everglades National Park provides important habitat for numerous rare and endangered species, including the manatee, the American crocodile, and the elusive Florida panther. Camping, boating, fishing, hiking, bird watching in addition to ranger-guided programs are just a sampling […]